Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type. Category: UncategorizedBy mlddefindiaMay 24, 2013Leave a comment Author: mlddefindia Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Inspirational medical videoRelated PostsVisit Dhawale Hospital Palghar for early detection of Cancer and save lifeDecember 5, 2024Activities of Anukampa ( Psychiatric IPD ward)March 31, 2020School Mental Health Program in Tarapore, Dist Palghar during 2007-08February 5, 2020CREATING A TEAM OF MENTAL HEALTH VOLUNTEERS IN THE COMMUNITY: PILOT PROJECTFebruary 5, 2020COLLEGE OUTREACH ON WOMEN’S DAY: A SKIT BY RESIDENTS OF RHHFebruary 5, 2020Community awareness activities of the Psychiatry Department, RHHFebruary 5, 2020