JISH – Scientific Writing

How to write a Scientific Article – Part V – Research-Based Articles – Step 1 – Critical Reading Prashant P. Tamboli, MD (Hom) Associate Professor, Department of Repertory & Head, Department of Research and Medical Informatics, Dr. M. L. Dhawale Memorial Homoeopathic Institute (MLDMHI), Palghar *Address of correspondence: Dr. Prashant Tamboli Email: drtamboli@gmail.com How to cite…

JISH – research

Assessing the Action of Homoeopathic remedies in the management of Common Migraine Using the Headache Impact Test-6(HIT-6) tool Mumtung T. Tamuk BHMS1 Shama M. Rao*, MD (Hom) 2 Prashant P. Tamboli, MD (Hom)3 Harshla C. Sarvagod MD (Hom)4 Devangini R. Broker MD (Hom)5 1 Post Graduate Student, Department of Practice of Medicine, Dr. M. L.…

JISH – book review – staphysagria

Book Review: Staphysagria –The Wounded Hero Pradnya A. Joglekar, MD (Hom)   Consulting Homoeopath Address of correspondence: Dr. Pradnya Joglekar Email: pradnya_in@hotmail.com How to cite this article: Joglekar PA. Book Review: Staphysagria –The Wounded Hero. Journal of Integrated Standardized Homoeopathy (JISH) 2019; 02(03) Received on: October 03, 2019 Accepted for Publication: October 21, 2019 Staphysagria…