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Mind and Homoeopathy bear a close relationship since the founding of the science. Aphorism 5 calls on the physician to carry out a wide-ranging and detailed investigation of the patient and his surroundings; Aphorism 6 asks to create the portrait of the disease based on the changes observed. This needs an in-depth knowledge of the mind, its evolution and expressions, role of environment, its ability to adapt, to understand its conflicts and resolve them. And to see the reflection of all these in the Repertory and Materia Medica. Doing all this on a scientific basis has always been a challenge for homoeopaths as they are not trained for the same.

“Foundation of Psychology and Homoeopathy” attends to all these needs in in a logical, integrated way through a number of illustrative cases in a simple language. Students are able to see the relevance of the knowledge of Psychology to case receiving, use of repertory and drug images of Materia Medica. It guides them to the need for counselling and to the place of Psychology in current needs of the social and corporate world including sports.

The book is based on guidelines of Organon further refined by Dr M L Dhawale based on current advances in different spheres of life. The knowledgeable writers of this multi-author book have utilized their rich experience and the editors have worked hard to ensure a smooth flow. The work fills a long felt lacunae in the homoeopathic literature and promises to open up new avenues for establishing new synergies between Psychology and Homoeopathy


Dr Ananya Chitale

M.D.( Hom.) Psychiatry


Dr Latika Agarwal

M.D. (Hom.) Psychiatry


Dr Manoj Patel

M.D. (Hom)


Dr Mansi Surati

MD (Hom.) Psychiatry


Dr Rajesh Yadav

M.D. (Hom) Psychiatry


Dr Sunita Nikumbh

M.D. (Hom)


Dr Tanvir Sheikh

M.D. (Hom) Psychiatry

Editor and Author

Dr Madhavi Tamboli

M.D. (Hom), M.A. (Psychology)

Editorial Consultant and Author

Dr Kumar Dhawale

M.D. DPM; MF Hom (Lond)

pp3 1

Editorial Consultant

Mrs. Rohini Belsare

M.A., M.Ed.



Dr. Bipin S. Jain

M.D. (Hom.), MBA (Ed Mgt.)

Perceiving The Mind in Homoeopathic Practice

The ICR Operational Manual

With its focus on The Art and the Science of Standardized Homeopathic Practice, Education and Training.

The ICR focuses on handling patients in a scientific manner, which still  does justice to the art of the individual physician: the heart of good Homoeopathy.

Its teachings and practice are based on the works of Hahnemann and extended by stalwarts like Boenninghausen, Kent, Boger, Roberts and M. L. Dhawale.

The Operational Manual gives a step-by-step explanation of the entire Process of handling patients: the first case-taking, and also the follow-ups (a most difficult task) to exploring the reasons behind actions.

The book is very important to:

  • Homoeopathic Doctors
  • Internees and students of Homoeopathic Colleges

Price Rs. 500/- only

The Journey To Unprejudiced Observation - Principles and Practice by Dr N L Tiwari

Dr. Nityanand Tiwari of the ICR / MLD Trust, needs no introduction.  Formerly Prof and HOD at the Postgraduate Homoeopathic activities of the Trust, currently he is a Mentor of the Institute and Emeritus Professor, Dept. of Organon and Homoeopathic Philosophy, MLDMHI.

The book handles perhaps the most important issue in Homoeopathic Practice – Prejudice! “The Unprejudiced Observer’, an important concept in Homoeopathic Philosophy, has been explored in this book in a very simple yet vigorous manner, establishing remarkable correlations with Past Masters.

In this book, Dr. Tiwari speaks of his lifelong search for the Unprejudiced Observer.  Most importantly, he traces Prejudice through various areas of Homoeopathic Practice, identifies the causation and discusses how to handle Prejudice in practice.

Prejudice acts as a black mask, frozen on our face through the grime of ignorance and unresolved experience. As we become self-aware, the mask gradually peels off in layers of grey, gradually brightening the perspective.

A ‘must read’ for all Homoeopathic students and those practitioners who are actively searching for ways and means to encounter prejudice.

Price: Rs 300/- Only

Life and Living

A Training Manual for Homoeopaths
By the late Dr. M. L. Dhawale

‘’Life is a phenomenon. It unfolds, evolves, reaches its zenith and starts a downward journey to reach the end. Living is the manner in which each of us utilizes the Time and Space given to us through the Phenomenon that is Life.’’

Thus wrote the late Dr. M.L. Dhawale, the Clinician par excellence, the Allopathic M.D. who turned into a Homeopath, the poet-philosopher who evolved through a sensitive interaction with his patients and their ‘life spaces’ and the need to guide them in their manner of living.

The book “Life and Living” is a collection of Dr. Dhawale’s poems on his experiences in the clinical setting. The poems are divided in two parts, ‘Philosophy’ and ‘Practice’ Together, they present the quintessence of this remarkable physician.

The book has another unique feature. The text has been illustrated by original drawings by a sensitive interpretation of the poems done by a painter-poet of note.

The book is a ‘must read for all thinkers, all physicians, all Homoeopaths. This includes you.

Price Rs. 250/- only

Paediatrics in Homoeopathy: An approach

A contribution of 

The I.C.R. Paediatric team,

Dr. Ram’s Children Hospital, Mulund.


Dr. ANAD R. KAPSE. L.C.E.H., M.D. (Hom.)

Director, Rural Homoeopathic Hospital, Palghar

    • A distillate of the Homoeopathic expertise of Dr. Dilip Dikshit, L.C.E.H., MD (Hom) & the Paediatric acumen of Dr. Ram Subramanian, M.D., D.C.H.
    • A result of 2 ½ years of hard work by the team of I.C.R. Physicians
    • Backed by results with Homoeopathic treatment that have stood the tests of
    • Consistency
    • Quality and
    • Cost effectiveness
    • Path-finding, revolutionary therapeutic strategies
    • Protocols on the Homoeopathic management of common Paediatric conditions like:

1. Acute Diarrhoeal Disorders,

2. Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,

3. Fevers,

4. Atopic Dermatitis & Respiratory Allergic Disorders,

5. Pertussoid Cough

  • Explores the role of Homoeopathy in surgical conditions like intussusceptions
  • Contains basic Paediatric information
  • Practice-oriented approach
  • Invaluable for Homoeopaths, as more than 40% of the practice is in Paediatrics
  • Useful for Practitioners, Teachers, Students, Interns

Price Rs. 150/- only

Staphysagria: The Wounded Hero


Head, Academic Services,

Dr. M. L. Dhawale Group of Organizations

The book presents ground-breaking insights about Staphysagria – its evolutionary picture from childhood to adulthood and beyond, the symptoms of the Staphysagria patients and their significance, and what allows a Homoeopath to spot Staphysagria.

The author, Dr. Bipin S. Jain, M.D. (Hom.), Head, Academic Services, Dr. M. L. Dhawale Group of Organizations and a sought after teacher of Materia Medica, has based it on the insights he derived in his practice and shared in various Conferences/Seminars/ C.M.E. Programmes all over India.

This is what Dr. K. P. Muzumdar, senior teacher and former Director, National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata, says about the book-

‘’This monograph on Stayphysagria gives us the relationship of the plant world to the human system … Dr. Bipin has skillfully depicted the Stayphysagria personality. In fact, as one reads it one finds the picture of Staphysagria standing in front of you… It may be necessary to convert most of the polychrest remedies on the lines of this monograph…making them easier to apply in clinical practice.’’

The book would be a useful addition to the Library of a student and a practitioner, a teacher and one aspiring to authorship – since it has something for all of them.

Price Rs. 200/- only

Perceiving: 1

Written by the late Dr. M.L. Dhawale this is a collection of Papers representing some of his unique insights in PERCEIVING of the following fields

Totality       Man  Groups       Education   Professional Competence

Research     Management         Homoeopathic Material Medica

Rural Heath          Life

In the clinical setting, PERCEIVING is a most crucial process. Perceiving what troubles the patient, Perceiving the patient as a person. Perceiving the similimum …PERCEIVING predominates.

And who perceives? Perception is done by the sense through the nerves. It is a physiological process. Perceiving is done by the self through the mind. It is a psychological process.

What clouds the mind? What clarifies it? What role does Hahneman’s ‘Unprejudiced Observer’ play in this process? How to train the mind to perceive the patient truly and well?

Perceiving 1 handles all these issues and many others.

The book is very important to:

Homeopathic Doctors, Teachers, Researchers, Administrators of Homoeopathic Institutions, Internees and Students of Homoeopathic Colleges.

Price Rs. 700/- only

History of Medicine and Homoeopathy

Dr Navin Pawaskar

M.D. (Hom.)

Why another book on History of Medicine? Why on History of Homoeopathy?

In this book –

  • History of medicine comes alive through the background of the era
  • Summative comments help the readers to grasp the important points quickly
  • History of Medicine linked with Homoeopathy through tracing the origin, similarities and differences in each era
  • Two fold tracing of History of Homoeopathy – through the evolution of Homoeopathic concepts and their practice and through tracking country wise progress of Homoeopathy
  • Biographical sketches & photos of prominent Homoeopaths from India and abroad – 56 in all
  • 40 photographs illustrating important contributions and landmarks
  • Chapters on the modern application of Homoeopathy in today’s world
  • Chapter on mainstreaming of Homoeopathy –close to the heart of every Homoeopath
  • Useful for both postgraduate & undergraduate students of Homoeopathy
  • 380 pages with 16 photographic plates

Price Rs. 450/- only

ICR Symposium Volume on Hahnemannian Totality

Read all major aspects of Homoepathy

In Papers written by MASTER HOMOEOPATHS

The 3rd Edition of


Editor: Dr.M.L.Dhawale, M.D, (Bom.), F.H.M.S.

  • An attractive set of three hard-bound parts
  • Total Number of Papers 51
  • Total Number of Page about 1000
  • Contains an excellent ATLAS of charts on Remedies and various aspects of Homoeopathy

Price Rs. 2500/- only

Health & Homoeopathy – Book 1

Health, Disease, Homoeopathy & Community Health Workers –

An Introduction

Authors : Dr. (Mrs.) Neena Ambekar                      Dr. (Mrs.) Sujata Goda

Concepts & Guidance : Dr. Bipin Jain  

Since the last 25 years the doctors of the MLD Trust have been providing Homoeopathic health services to the tribal population of the Vikramgarh Taluka. Tribal health workers, trained by the Trust doctors, have been assisting them.

The book is based on the experience of teaching them, in simple Marathi, basic concepts related to health, disease and Homoeopathy.

What exactly is health? Why do we fall ill? What are the basic principles of Homoeopathy? This first book answers all these questions and many more. The information, being in simple Marathi, will be found useful by many medical practitioners as well as institutions working in rural and urban areas. It will be found very useful to guide the lay people or ill persons.

Other books in the Series will deal with:
Human Body & Mind : Organization, Functioning and Disturbances
Maternal Health & Illness
Paediatric Health & Illness
First-Aid Medicine and Bed-side Medicine

Price: Rs. 200/-  Language : Marathi

Arogya Homoeopathy – Part 2


Manavi Sharir: Rachana, Karya va bighad

(Health & Homoeopathy – part 2)

 Human body and mind: Organization in Health and Disease

Special features

  • Addressed for 7th Std pass Community Health Volunteer
  • Simple, clear & comprehensive introduction
  • System viewpoint
  • Holistic and connected organization of structure and function
  • Extensively illustrated
  • Immediate application in the community to impart understanding of changes in the human being in Health and Disease.

Price: Rs. 200/- Language: Marathi

Arogya Homoeopathy – Part 2


Striyanche aarogya va ajar 

(Health & Homoeopathy – part 3)

Special features

    • Based on the premise that when feminity is honoured, the woman stands tall, retains her health, holds a healthy self respect and contributes to the well being of the family and the community
    • Elaborates on various aspects of women’s health and disease in simple language.
    • Emphasizes the role of Homoeopathy in primary care of the woman
    • ldeally suited for lay persons

    Based on 30 years of health work and training of CHVs in the tribal region of Vikramgadh, Palghar, the MLD Trust has designed a course for training Tribal community health workers. The authors, Dr Sujata Goda and Dr Neena Ambekar’s lucidity of expression and clarity of thought is praiseworthy indeed.



Price: Rs. 300/- Language: Marathi

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