Mother & Child Care

In rural India, the most vulnerable is a woman. She works for 24×7, most often does not get enough to eat, is severely anaemic and has no say in decision making, even when it comes to her own health. Consequently she gives birth to malnourished children and the vicious cycle continues.

It is no rocket science that if we improve the health of an adolescent girl and maintain it for her life, we are likely to resolve more than 90% of India’s health problems.

With that objective in mind, our Trust undertakes programs to

  • Educate adolescent girls about reproduction system, menstruation, hygiene and diet
  • Educate newly married woman about family planning, diet and child rearing
  • Work with families to stress upon importance of care during pregnancy
  • Encourage women to follow Antenatal care and consume supplements
  • Advocate importance of hospital delivery
  • Identify high-risk pregnancies as early as possible
  • Provide Neonatal ICU care for pre-term or underweight babies
  • Teach mothers importance and process of breastfeeding
  • Encourage mothers to follow Postnatal care

Support Mother & Child Care

Antenatal care

Rs. 5,500 per woman

Normal Delivery

Rs. 5,000 per delivery

LSCS Delivery

Rs. 20,000 per delivery

Postnatal Care

Rs. 5,000 per child

NICU Treatment

Rs. 20,000 per day

Awareness & Education Programs

Rs. 100,000 per year