- Learning basic skills of Case Receiving & Case Analysis in Homeopathy.
- Learning the basics of an integrated study of applied Organon, Materia Medica and Repertory in Clinical Practice
- Learning to manage commonly encountered diseases in Homoeopathic Practice effectively and in a standardized manner
- Eligibility to join the One –and-a-half year Regular Training Course of the I.C.R. to acquire the Certificate of Professional Competence
- Handling clinical responsibilities at the various charitable centers of the Institute under expert guidance
Certificate ICR Courses
Basic Course in the Principles & Practice of Homoeopathy- The ICR Way
Course Details
Eligibility -Physicians who have completed their internship (full-timers) and also physicians who are already in practice (Part-timers).
Discussion Sessions – 2 per week
Clinical Sessions – Morn / Even – 1 each for part-timers, as per faculty decision for full-timers.
Month-End Seminars – 6 in all – On all basic aspects of Homoeopathic practice.
English Enrichment Programme – 1 / week for the first 10 weeks.
The basic 6 topics (culminating in the month-end seminars) –
- Case Receiving & Clinical Interview
- Case Analysis & Evaluation
- Various Approaches to a case (Repertorial / non-repertorial)
- Study of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
- Susceptibility & Posology
- Acute Diseases
Duration – 6 months Fees – Rs. 10,000/- (books & Symposium fees extra)
End Point of Course – An examination and a certificate of completion.
ICR Training Programme in SCR Competence
Successful completion of our Orientation Programme for Physicians.
Overview of the course
- Learning advanced skills of Case Receiving, Case Analysis, Case Processing & Case Synthesis in Homoeopathic Clinical Practice
- Learning the concepts, methods and techniques for the integrated study of applied Organon, Materia Medica and Repertory in Clinical Practice
- Evolving a conceptual framework and sound reasoning abilities to manage all aspects of Homoeopathic Practice effectively and in a standardized manner
- Acquiring the capacity to guide and supervise fresh learners in clinical and group sessions as per the competence achieved
- Handling independent clinical responsibilities at the various charitable centers of the Institute
- Eligibility to take the Membership examination of the I.C.R. and acquire the Certificate of Professional Competence
- Possibility of placements and further professional growth in the Clinical, Educational, Publications, and Research and management of various Departments of the Institute
The Course has 3 components
Discussion Sessions – 3 per week
Clinical Sessions – Morning / Evening – 2 each for part-timers / as per faculty decision for full-timers
Symposia organized by the Institute – Usually 3 per year
Duration – 1 year 6 months
Fees – Rs. 40,000/- (books & Symposium fees extra)
End Point of Course – An examination and a certificate of completion.
- + Basic
Basic Course in the Principles & Practice of Homoeopathy- The ICR Way
- Learning basic skills of Case Receiving & Case Analysis in Homeopathy.
- Learning the basics of an integrated study of applied Organon, Materia Medica and Repertory in Clinical Practice
- Learning to manage commonly encountered diseases in Homoeopathic Practice effectively and in a standardized manner
- Eligibility to join the One –and-a-half year Regular Training Course of the I.C.R. to acquire the Certificate of Professional Competence
- Handling clinical responsibilities at the various charitable centers of the Institute under expert guidance
Course Details
Eligibility -Physicians who have completed their internship (full-timers) and also physicians who are already in practice (Part-timers).
Discussion Sessions – 2 per week
Clinical Sessions – Morn / Even – 1 each for part-timers, as per faculty decision for full-timers.
Month-End Seminars – 6 in all – On all basic aspects of Homoeopathic practice.
English Enrichment Programme – 1 / week for the first 10 weeks.
The basic 6 topics (culminating in the month-end seminars) –
- Case Receiving & Clinical Interview
- Case Analysis & Evaluation
- Various Approaches to a case (Repertorial / non-repertorial)
- Study of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
- Susceptibility & Posology
- Acute Diseases
Duration – 6 months Fees – Rs. 10,000/- (books & Symposium fees extra)
End Point of Course – An examination and a certificate of completion.
- + Advance
ICR Training Programme in SCR Competence
Successful completion of our Orientation Programme for Physicians.
Overview of the course
- Learning advanced skills of Case Receiving, Case Analysis, Case Processing & Case Synthesis in Homoeopathic Clinical Practice
- Learning the concepts, methods and techniques for the integrated study of applied Organon, Materia Medica and Repertory in Clinical Practice
- Evolving a conceptual framework and sound reasoning abilities to manage all aspects of Homoeopathic Practice effectively and in a standardized manner
- Acquiring the capacity to guide and supervise fresh learners in clinical and group sessions as per the competence achieved
- Handling independent clinical responsibilities at the various charitable centers of the Institute
- Eligibility to take the Membership examination of the I.C.R. and acquire the Certificate of Professional Competence
- Possibility of placements and further professional growth in the Clinical, Educational, Publications, and Research and management of various Departments of the Institute
The Course has 3 components
Discussion Sessions – 3 per week
Clinical Sessions – Morning / Evening – 2 each for part-timers / as per faculty decision for full-timers
Symposia organized by the Institute – Usually 3 per year
Duration – 1 year 6 months
Fees – Rs. 40,000/- (books & Symposium fees extra)
End Point of Course – An examination and a certificate of completion.

Courses Available At
Dr. M.L. Dhawale Memorial Trust
BMC’s Holistic Mother and Child Care Centre,
Harishankar Joshi Marg,
Dahisar (E), Mumbai – 400068
Phone No: 8422 928061 / 62
Dr. M. L. Dhawale Memorial Homoeopathic
Institute (MLDMHI), Bengaluru
Dr. A Ramdas,
Tel. No. 080-26724283,
Mob.: 09379529684
Dr. S.K. Phansalkar
Phone No. 020-24452805
Mobile No. 09371648149
Dr. Pravin Wadgave
Tel: 09373152400
Homoeopathic Educational and Charitable Trust (HECT), Vadodara
Dr. Hema Parikh,
Mobile No. 9376939622 / 9376939624