Education For Excellence

Dr. M. L. Dhawale, a great visionary and a progressive educationist, who understood the Hahnemannian concept from the very depths, evolved a methodology of education so that teaching could be standardized and operationalised. He propagated the concept of integrated teaching almost three decade ago when it was just being mentioned in the western medical world.

Discover the unique learning approach

All the educational programmes at Dr M L Dhawale Memorial Homoeopathic Institute are based on the Principles of Action Learning. This stipulates that true learning occurs only when the learner plans, acts, observes and reflects on his actions. This helps him to build a repertoire of knowledge which he can own and thus build upon. The thrust is on deriving learning from the clinical work done in the hospital as well as in the community. Lectures, tutorials, group discussions and bed side clinics are conducted keeping case based learning in the centre. Students are encouraged to find the answers themselves through a guided programme. An effort is made to integrate various disciplines so that the whole is delivered and the concept of individualization is gradually made experiential.

Students are exposed to different hospital departments to develop clinical skills for developing an insight into how to collect, evaluate and integrate clinical evidence which when used appropriately helps in the evolution of a physician. They are also exposed to the health issues in the community to learn the lessons of preventive and social medicine as well as to understand the myriad ways in which illness is prevalent in the community. They are trained in research methodology and biostatistics which enables them to understand how a sound knowledge base is acquired systematically through planning, the facts analysed and later utilized in formulating reliable conclusions. These need to be defended and the resulting knowledge disseminated in a scientific way.

Other than clinical subjects, training in soft skills, communication skills and language skills are organised for holistic development of the physicians.

Students are trained to develop sensitivity and an empathetic attitude towards suffering individuals and their family members.

They are encouraged to participate in different educational methods like symposia, field visits, conferences, seminars so that the future educationist may propagate the right attitude, skills and knowledge for generations to come.

Evolving a Standardized approach to clinical practice (a common practice in all Institutes of Excellence the world over)

Case-based integrated teaching and training (a sound pedagogy in all Postgraduate Education)

Principle of Tri-coordinate Care where the teacher is a facilitator and through caring for the Patient and for the Learner (student) is able to demonstrate the care for Knowledge.