Adopt a Village

The Trust provides healthcare services to various villages in Palghar district and to several urban slums (equivalent to a village in terms of health needs). The services encompass

  • Awareness of health & hygiene
  • Screening & treating approx. 150 patients per village or slum per year
  • Antenatal & Post natal care to approx. 250 women
  • Normal & (if necessary) Caesar deliveries
  • Ambulance service to ferry patients
  • Regular Health Check-up camps
  • Appointing a local Community Health Worker for each village

Kindly Adopt a Village and help us provide these services for a sum of Rs 300,000 per village per year.


The 10 bedded cottage hospital in Bhopoli was constructed about 15 years ago. Today it is falling short to meet the demands of several services we have added for the community development. A team of Medical Officers and para-medical staff, who attend the hospital 24×7, do not have proper accommodation, especially the medical officers staying with their families. They continued with their service stoically braving the hot summers, leaky monsoons and cold winters. The para-medical staff either sleeps on empty beds in the hospitals or in the corridors. Our various training programs (for health workers, for self-help group ladies, for farmers or for 9th & 10th standard students) is beingĀ  conducted either in the corridor or in the parking shed or on the (covered) roof. We are not able to invite guests or senior consultants to guide us, simply for lack of accommodation.


To resolve this, we have decided to construct

  • A training hall
  • Two residences for resident medical officers
  • Four to six shared accommodation for our 24×7 staff, visiting doctors and guests.
  • Administration Offices

Adopt a Village

Shared Room for staff

Rs. 3,75,000 per room

Room for visiting doctors

Rs 3,75,000 per room

Residential quarter

Rs. 12,50,000 per apartment

Administrative office block

Rs. 12,50,000