The greatest asset of the MLD trust is the dedicated, young, and trained professional force who carry the message of Homoeopathic care to the people whom they serve- come rain, come shine. The trust is now a group of more than 500 people of physicians, professors, volunteers, consultants, technical & non-technical staff, and social workers working together with passion.

Dr. Kumar Mitrachandra Dhawale
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Dr.(Mrs) Ujjwala Ashok Pendse
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Dr. Shirish Kamalakar Phansalkar

Dr. Praful Madhubhai Barvalia

Dr. Manoj Kanchanbhai Patel

Dr. Anand Kapse
Director Resources and Chief Mentor

Dr. Anoop Nigwekar
Hon. Secretary and Director, Projects and Administration

Dr. Prashant Tamboli
Director, Dhawale Trust Hospital

Dr. Bhavik Parekh
Director, Postgraduate Education

Dr. Chandrasekhar. R. Goda
Director, Rural Health Services

Mr. Sunil Chavan
Director, Systems, Projects and Funding, Rural Health Services-Bhopoli

Dr. Sunil Bhalinge
Director of Study Groups

Dr Bipin Jain
Director, Academic Services